What is Private Mortgage Insurance?
There are various ways to finance the purchase of a new home. The one that many new homeowners use is to get a loan from a traditional bank or credit union, called a mortgage. But what if you aren’t ready…
There are various ways to finance the purchase of a new home. The one that many new homeowners use is to get a loan from a traditional bank or credit union, called a mortgage. But what if you aren’t ready…
If you follow the news, you’ve probably heard talk of “historic lows” and “raising rates” for real estate transactions. What does all of this rate talk mean? How is the interest rate determined? Mortgage interest rates are set based on…
Many property owners purchase their new home using a loan called a mortgage. Using a mortgage, an individual can get a loan for a home purchase, usually financed over 15 or 30 years. Every month, the borrower makes a…
If you’re new to the home-buying game, you have probably been bombarded with new terms. Escrow, home warranty, inspection contingency—one of the most important terms to know and understand is “closing.” What is closing? Closing is an appointment, most often…
Many aspire to homeownership as the ultimate sign of adulthood. First-time buyers may be intimidated by the amount of money needed for a down payment. Typically, most lenders require 20% of the home purchase price as a down payment. Lenders…
A loan for the purpose of purchasing a home, called a mortgage, is an agreement between a borrow and a lender for a specific amount of money. To be borrowed at a specific interest rate and for a specified length…
If you are in the process of searching for a home, chances are the term earnest money deposit has come up. What exactly is this deposit, and what does it get you? Is it required to purchase a new home?…
If you are getting ready to put your house on the market, you may be thinking that you have everything that you need to market your amazing home and to find the perfect buyer. It’s true that selling your home…
Summer temps are officially here in most of the United States. This usually means spending more time outdoors. If your home is looking a little rough after a long winter and spring, here are a few summer maintenance tips to…
You may have seen recent news reports about rent control measures taken in Oregon. Many lawmakers are taking a closer look at legislation that would enact limits on rising rent costs and the impact it could have on both the…